About Us

Apheresis is a therapeutic modality which plays an important role in the management of many diseases including more than 50 autoimmune disorders, a number of rare neurologic conditions, Alzheimer's disease and is emerging as a prevention and therapy for other age related medical conditions . Apheresis is also essential for the utilization of CAR-T, CRISPR and other emerging personalized cell therapies. And yet, knowledge and availability of Therapeutic Apheresis (TA) remain obscure.
The Global Apheresis team uses it's knowledge, experience and professional connections to reputable medical experts in the field to provide TA services in several outpatient locations and facilitate referrals for apheresis services for those who need them in other geographic areas.
Dr. Dobri Kiprov is the founder and president of Global Apheresis, Inc. He is an internationally recognized pioneer in the field of Therapeutic Apheresis. Dr. Kiprov is the first physician to be Board Certified in Hemapheresis. He has served 2 terms on the Board of the American Society for Apheresis and has received multiple Awards for his pioneering work in the field of therapeutic apheresis. He has more than 100 publications. His most recent research has established him as a leader in the prevention and treatment of age related medical conditions.